Upcoming and Past Events

Performance of 時光機頂盒 by Yao Yuen Chinese Music Association 2023社區文化大使 - 樂樂國樂團 「樂 · 動社區」大匯演 8:00pm Shatin Town Hall Concert Hall, Hong Kong 2023年11月21日(星期二) 晚上8時正 沙田大會堂演奏廳 樂樂國樂團

Premiere of 漢園毓秀 番港廣東音樂工作室掛牌儀式 番禺沙灣鎮 Shawan Ancient Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou

竹韻小集 2023年度社區文化大使計劃「非常嶺南」講座音樂會:童年的回憶 Wednesday, November 1, 2023 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM Joseph Lee Hall (LT-3505), 3/F, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學李達三葉耀珍學術樓三樓李宗德講堂 (LT-3505)(港鐵九龍塘站) Live performance of the my arrangements of 15 songs by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

竹韻小集 2023年度社區文化大使計劃「非常嶺南」親子音樂劇場:「樂」在大排檔 Monday, October 16, 2023 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM Zone Blue, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學楊建文學術樓4樓藍區(港鐵九龍塘站) Performance of the arrangement of 戲水鴛鴦 and Bizet's Habanera by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

竹韻小集 2023年度社區文化大使計劃「非常嶺南」講座音樂會:童年的回憶 Sunday, October 15, 2023 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM Lecture Theatre, Ground Floor, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong 香港中央圖書館演講廳(港鐵天后站) Live performance of the my arrangements of 15 songs by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

竹韻小集 2023年度社區文化大使計劃「非常嶺南」親子音樂劇場:「樂」在大排檔 Sunday, September 17, 2023 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM Podium, Fung Tak Shopping Centre, 111 Fung Tak Road, Diamond Hill, Kowloon 鳳德商場露天平台(港鐵鑽石山站) Performance of the arrangement of 戲水鴛鴦 and Bizet's Habanera by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong Conducting Workshop Showcase Saturday, August 12, 2023 7:00PM - 10:00PM CR2, Hong Kong Cultural Centre. 10 Salisbury Road Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Celia's will conduct Beethoven Symphony No.7 with Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong

竹韻小集 「大嶺南紀行」之「超越國度」 Tuesday, August 8, 2023 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Ko Shan Road, Lo Lung Hang, KowloonHong Kong SAR China 高山劇場新翼演藝廳 Premiere of the arrangement of "See Tình" Habanera by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

竹韻小集 2022年度社區文化大使計劃「逆風翱翔」巡迴音樂會:五音繁會 Sunday, December 11, 2022 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM King Lam Neighbourhood Community Centre, King Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon, Hong Kong 景林鄰裏社區中心 Live performance of the arrangements "Korean Drama Medley" by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

星海音樂學院「南粵當代音樂周」 未來的傳統——粵港澳(香港)作曲家當代粵樂作品音樂會 Thursday, December 1, 2022 7:30 PM 9:00 PM 19:30 - 21:00 VooV Meeting 760 277 514 Performance of Winter comes and Summer goes 寒來暑往 by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

「當代粵樂的跨境與跨界」線上講座音樂會 Thursday, June 9, 2022 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble Facebook Live Live performance of the arrangements "Korean Drama Medley" by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

竹韻小集 2022年度社區文化大使計劃「逆風翱翔」巡迴音樂會:五音繁會 Sunday, November 13, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Lecture Theatre, Ground Floor, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong 香港中央圖書館演講廳(港鐵天后站) Live performance of the arrangements Korean Drama Medley by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

竹韻小集 2021年度社區文化大使計劃「大手牽小手」講座音樂會:英雄出少年 Saturday, December 18, 2021 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM Cultural Activities Hall, Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre, 111 Shau Kei Wan Road. Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong 西灣河文娛中心文娛廳 Performance of the arrangement of 英雄出少年 by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

竹韻小集 2020社區文化大使「樂韻無障」巡迴音樂會:心靈之歌(線上版)5 Music Beyond the Boundaries Tuesday, September 21, 2021 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble Facebook Live Performance of the arrangement of "Moto Perpetuo" by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

竹韻小集 2021年度社區文化大使計劃「大手牽小手」講座音樂會:英雄出少年 Sunday, July 11, 2021 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM Black Box, Tai Po Civic Centre, 12 On Pong Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong 大埔文娛中心黑盒劇場 Performance of the arrangement of 英雄出少年 by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

Premiere of "Stand in the Cold 寒木" Perform in Decoding Creativity: Interactive Platform for Contemporary Music Appreciation 創樂背後:現代音樂展演交流平台 Presented by Hong Kong Composers' Guild Sponsored by Hong Kong Arts Development Council

竹韻小集 未來的傳統 - 數碼時代的粵樂薪傳 Everlasting Cantonese Music: Inheriting in the Digital Age Thursday, June 3, 2021 9:00 PM Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble Youtube Live Performance of "Winter comes and Summer goes 寒來暑往" by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

Music Integrates Selected Chamber Concerts by Young Musicmakers Impressions: Lok Sum Chinese Orchestra in Concert 「樂‧融‧榮」 甄選新生代小型音樂會 - 樂心印象 13/11/2021 (Sat) 8:00pm 香港中樂團演奏廳 Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Ltd 7/F, Sheung Wan Municipal Services Building, 345 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Performance of "Overture" by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

竹韻小集 未來的傳統 - 數碼時代的粵樂薪傳 Everlasting Cantonese Music: Inheriting in the Digital Age Monday, January 25, 2021 7:30 PM 8:30 PM Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble Facebook Live Premiere of "Winter comes and Summer goes 寒來暑往" by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

竹韻小集 2020社區文化大使 – 竹韻小集「樂韻無障」 巡迴音樂會:心靈之歌(特別場) Saturday, July 11, 2020 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre Theatre, Ngau Chi Wan Municipal Services Building, 11 Clearwater Bay Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 牛池灣文娛中心劇院 Performance of the arrangement of Moto Perpetuo by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

2019社區文化大使 – 竹韻小集「絲路縱橫」 巡迴音樂會:音樂劇場「條條大路通羅馬」 Saturday, June 6, 2020 8:00 PM - Friday, June 12, 2020 9:15 PM Cultural Activities Hall, Tsuen Wan Town Hall 荃灣大會堂文娛廳 Performance of Arrangement of "海上風光" by Hong Kong Windpipe Ensemble

Performance of Arrangement of 海上風光 Perform in "Touring Concert: All Roads Lead to Rome" 巡迴音樂會:音樂劇場「條條大路通羅馬」 Present by Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble 8 December 2019. Sunday. 3pm. L2, Leung King Plaza 10 December 2019. Tuesday. 11am Open Space, Nam Cheong Place 15 December 2019. Sunday. 2pm. Hong Kong Railway Museum/ 3:45pm Hong Kong Railway Museum 22 December 2019. Sunday. 11am. Central Piazza, Lee Tung Avenue

Performance of 韓劇音樂串燒 Korean Music Medley Perform in "戲曲中心悠揚音韻樂中庭:竹韻小集 Music in the Atrium" Present by Xiqu Center 1:00 pm Sunday. 10 November, 2019 Atrium, Xiqu Center, West Kowloon Cultural District, HK

Performance of 韓劇音樂串燒 Korean Music Medley Perform in "丟丟銅蘭城國際音樂節Yilan International Art Festival" Present by Yilan City Hall 7:30 pm. Friday. 18 October, 2019 Yilan Performaning Arts Center, Taiwan

Performance of 韓劇音樂串燒 Korean Music Medley Perform in "Hong Kong Reception 2019" Present by Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office 7:30 pm Friday. 20 June, 2019 Seoul, South Korea

Performance of "Vast Littleness 3rd Movement 淼渺第三樂章" Perform in "拾年" Present by Loksum Chinese Orchestra 8:00 pm Saturday. 1 Dec, 2018 The Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre

Premiere of Heartiness 隨心去 Perform in "New Waves of Music Local" Present by HKAPA 8:00 pm Wednesday. 13 June, 2018 HKAPA Recital Hall

Performance of Morning Mist 晨靄 Perform in "ASEAN Music Festival" Present by Grangxi Arts Univesity Friday. 01 June, 2018 Guangxi Arts Univestiy

Performance of 伴我啟程 Performed in "PLK Chong Kee Ting Primary School 30th Anniversary Gala show" Presented by PLK Chong Kee Ting Primary School 8:00 pm. Friday. 27 April, 2018 Grand Theatre, Heung Yee Kuk Building

Premiere of Firecracker and Peace 竹報平安 Performed in "Match Making Concert 2018" Presented by Radio and Television Hong Kong 8:00 pm. Friday. 06 April, 2018 Studio I, Radio and Television Hong Kong

Performance of Morning Mist 晨靄 Perform in "Musicarama 2017: Integrated Dissonance" Present by Hong Kong Composers' Guild 8:00 pm Tuesday. 30 January, 2018 Lee Hysan Concert Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Performance of Morning Mist 晨靄 Perform in "Musicarama 2017: Integrated Dissonance" Present by Hong Kong Composers' Guild 8:00p.m. Sunday. 15 October, 2017 Hong Kong City Hall Theatre

Premiere of Fading Dream Performed in "Experimental Theater, World Harp Congress 2017" Presented by World Harp Congress 2017 Hong Kong 4:45p.m. Saturday. 8 July, 2017 Studio Theater, HKAPA

Premiere of New Works Performed in 《消逝前的告別》- 與城市對話系列開幕音樂會 Presented by Loksum Chinese Orchestra 8:00p.m. Saturday. 1 July, 2017 Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre

Musician-Actor Performed in《Musician-Actors” in Experimental Theatre》 Presented by Modern Academy 8:00p.m. Friday. 30 June, 2017 Spring Workshop, 42 Wong Chuk Hang Road, 3/F Remex Centre